Wednesday, July 18, 2012

7 Fat Burning Secrets That Made Me Lose Over 8 Inches In 1 Month

Water Exercises For Weight Loss - 7 Fat Burning Secrets That Made Me Lose Over 8 Inches In 1 Month
The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination 7 Fat Burning Secrets That Made Me Lose Over 8 Inches In 1 Month. And the content related to Water Exercises For Weight Loss.

Do you know about - 7 Fat Burning Secrets That Made Me Lose Over 8 Inches In 1 Month

Water Exercises For Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

For most of us, losing belly fat is tough - in fact, it's tougher than trying to lose fat on any other part of the body.

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How is 7 Fat Burning Secrets That Made Me Lose Over 8 Inches In 1 Month

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Water Exercises For Weight Loss.

In order to lose belly fat or any other fat for that matter, most sources will tell you that you have to diet and exercise, this is only part true. There are 3 areas you can implement, diet, drugs and exercise. You can reach you fat loss goals with any of the 3 on there own or in compound but I have found the best compound to be 60% Diet, 30% exercise and 10% drugs (personally when I say drugs I mean a extra natural fat loss supplement). Of course I you are obese and can't exercise as much then more attention will be focused on diet and drugs. For example 75% Diet, 10% exercise and 15% drugs. Or if you voyage all the time or your a vegetarian then the compound would be more like 10% Diet 45% drugs and 45% exercise.

Here are some things that will help you in losing fat (especially tough belly fat) I used all of these tips and it made me lose over a stone and 8 ¾ inches in less than a month.

The 8 Fat Loss Secrets All Dieters Need To Know...

# 1 Eliminate Carbohydrates

White Carbohydrates that come from bread, pasta, rice, cereal, potatoes, tortillas, fried food with breading and sugar elevate blood sugar which in turn makes you gain weight easier and lose weight harder. Unfortunately for many habitancy those excess pounds go right to the belly. Many habitancy find that they can be quite sufficient at losing belly fat just by eliminating white flour and sugar from their diets. Someone else guess to stay away from white carbohydrates is because alloxan is found in many of these foods, alloxen is formed from chlorine dioxide (which is used to bleach flour) is combined with the residual protein in the food. The guess why alloxan is bad is because its as a matter of fact used to furnish diabetes! Researchers use it to induce diabetes in lab rats; Someone else guess to stay well clear of white carbohydrates. Bottom line is don't eat white carbohydrates unless you want to get fatter.

# 2 Eat Using The 3 Fat Loss Food Groups

Eat as much as you like out of the following food groups but eat all 3 with every meal. (breakfast can be an exception) Mix and match out of:

Protein: Eggs, Chicken (breast or thigh) Beef, Fish, Pork, Lamb

Legumes: Black Beans, Lentils, Red Beans, Soya Beans, Borlotti Beans

Vegetables: Mixed Vegetables, Peas, Broccoli, Green Beans etc. Any vegetables are allowed

It is prominent to eat legumes with every meal to give you the calories you will be losing from carbs.

# 3 Forbidden Fruit

Fruit is not an primary part of a healthy balanced diet, it won't do any harm eating it once a week on your cheat day and it as a matter of fact isn't needed daily to be healthy let alone to lose fat. There are two exceptions to the no fruit rule which are tomatoes and avocados.

The basic formula is fruit = sugar, fructose = glycerol phosphate = triglycerides (via the liver) = fat storage. Only eat fruit once a week on cheat day.

# 4 Don't Drink Calories

You are allowed as much water, unsweetened tea and coffee (with no more than two tablespoons of cream, try using cinnamon instead) In fact drinking approx 3 litres of water per day has a big impact on the amount of fat you will lose, I drink 3 litres of water everyday. You are also allowed diet soft drinks e.g. Diet Coke but don't exceed 450ml per day as the aspartame will stimulate weight gain. If you enjoy a glass of wine or two in the evening that is Ok, but keep it red and no more than one or two glasses per night on diet days. Stay away from white wine, beer, milk, fruit juice or general fizzy drinks.

# 5 Have A Cheat Day Once Per Week

Stuffing your face like a pig once per week as a matter of fact helps fat loss! If you spike your caloric intake once per week (stuff your face) it will stop your metabolic rate downshifting from caloric restriction in the week. This is prominent because it boosts fat loss from addition cAmp and Gmp to improving conversion of the T4 thyroid hormone to the more active T3. I normally swap in the middle of Saturday and Sunday's for cheat day, on that day I go out of my way to eat as much cakes, ice cream, junk food and CocoPops (at least one box on cheat day) as I can. If you get nervous about putting too much weight on eat a good high protein meal for breakfast and have lunch as your first cheat meal. If you so pick it is Ok to have a cheat meal per week instead of a cheat day for most people.

# 6 Eat At Least 30g Of Protein For Breakfast

Your resting metabolic rate (the amount of fat calories your body burns by doing nothing) increases by 20% if your breakfast calories are at least 30% protein. I have a 30g Low calorie protein shake every morning because Its quick, easy and gives me my 30g of protein I need for breakfast to optimize weight loss. When I don't have training or work in the morning I will cook myself 2 poached eggs, 2 organic sausages and 2 rashers of turkey bacon because I have more time to do it.

# 7 Drink 2 -3 Litres Of Water Per Day

To ensure optimal liver function for fat loss increased water is a must. Drinking cold water speeds up the metabolism and retention a glass/bottle of cold water with you all throughout the day can help you ensure that you stay hydrated and that you help keep your metabolism moving. It takes more calories for your body to process very cold liquid than liquid that is room temperature. So, be sure that glass of water is full of ice.

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